...So MaNy BeauTiFuL BuTTerFLies...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

>>AbOUt rObOtIcS<<

The robotics course is a part of a professional higher undergraduate education program of electrical engineering, mechatronic engineering and science computer. The course is fully supported by a belonging web page with
address:, as it was described in the previous chapter. The material given on web page coyers the laboratory sessions and the lecture sessions. As the robotics is rapidly evolving field, the content of the course is being refreshed and complemented each year, so this approach is especially suitable. The course topics are kinematics, direct and inverse robot dynamics, sensors and actuators in robotics, robot control and real time implementation issues. First part of course consists of lectures, which present the student the basic problems and give them some theoretical background. The second part consist of demonstration exercises and laboratory exercises. The is a lot of practical work using modern equipment;similar to the one the students will most likely work with in their future jobs. The course requires the knowledge from many different fields including mathemathics, physics, control system, programming and others. Students have attended one year course of physics, so they are familiar with the basic concepts of the forces, torques, moment of inertia and Newton’s Law. Then, the student have to attended the programming subject that very important in this course. This is because to make sure the student familiar with the programming and understand to decorated their own program. Student need to set up the program and make all the part of robot can connect with each other in this program. The other part in this course is about control system. In this part, student have to know how to control the system. As usual, we use the specific sensor to detect data and sent it to the control system for the feedback. Lastly, students need to expert in measured the measurement is important in this course because without it, the operation of system is failed. This is because the measurement and control system is connected to each other.